About iSMD
Purpose of the international
Starnberg Management Days (iSMD)
The event takes place once a year and deals with current and future-oriented topics in the areas of leadership, change management, strategy, innovation, sales and corporate management. Opinion-forming speakers and committed participants from the top management of national and international companies are the pillars of this get-together.
The aim is to conduct an in-depth exchange of experiences with intensive discussions with just a few speakers.
Our speakers and participants tell us that the international Starnberg Management Days are not a typical management congress or management conference. The event lasts two days, starting on the first day at 5:00 p.m. with three lectures, followed by an evening reception in a relaxed atmosphere with a buffet and talk round with selected prominent participants from business, politics, culture and sports. The second day focuses on lectures and discussions.
The international Starnberg Management Days differ from other events in two main ways: First, the quality and personality of the speakers and second, the fact that the event is limited to a maximum of 100 participants in order to maintain an open atmosphere for discussion. Accordingly, we recommend that you register early.

From practice for practice -
organizers and participants
Organizer of the international Starnberg Management Days is Seidenschwarz & Comp. GmbH. The activities of Seidenschwarz & Comp. are primarily focused on the B2B sector, where we support technology and trading companies in their international markets. Depending on the use case, this involves product, system, service and solution businesses as well as business model innovations.
Since the birth of the Seidenschwarz brand, we have been setting market-shaping accents in the areas of strategy, innovation and sales beyond our pioneering work in target costing. The focus is always on the question: "What is the customer willing to pay for?" - always in close and cooperative partnership with our customers.
Characterized by an open and communicative corporate culture as well as flat hierarchies, respect and regard for our customers and colleagues represent the highest good of our company. The people behind Seidenschwarz & Comp. are as versatile as the tasks and challenges they face every day. Our partners and consultants are strong personalities who, with their individual experiences, values as well as their professional know-how, always fully respond to the needs of the customer and provide an "unbiased view from the outside" - even if this sometimes means speaking unpleasant truths in order to bring about positive changes of direction. Interdisciplinary and intercultural work are just as much a part of the daily routine in our national and international projects as digital meetings and on-site work at the customer's sites worldwide, primarily in Europe and Asia.

The company was founded by today's managing partner Prof. Dr. Werner Seidenschwarz. In corporate practice, he has been active for 30 years in leading positions as a subject matter expert, colleague, board member and managing director in industrial and service companies.
Werner Seidenschwarz is also the founder of the international Starnberg Management Days as well as the Leading Sales platform for sales executives. With his partners of Seidenschwarz & Comp. he has been consulting technology companies in the core fields of strategy, innovation, sales and change management for 20 years and has made a name for himself primarily in the B2B environment. Furthermore, he has been an honorary professor at the Technical University of Munich since 2010. As a professor for strategic corporate management, he provides students at the faculties of mechanical engineering and informatics with versatile insights into real-life corporate practice. In 1993, he received his doctorate on the subject of "Target Costing - market-oriented target cost management", the world's first monograph on target costing. In 2001, he habilitated on leading entrepreneurial change.
In addition to his work with leading international corporations and renowned medium-sized companies, he has taught as a professor or guest lecturer at the London School of Economics, the National University of Singapore, the University of Stuttgart, the Freie Handelshochschule Leipzig and the University of Linz. In numerous publications (including 10 books) he has made innovative contributions to the further development of management methods.